Reducing waste
For several years now, the issue of waste reduction has become increasingly topical. From the development of bulk product offerings in supermarkets to the phasing out of commercial plastic bags and balcony composters, everyone can help to reduce global waste production in their own way. But why exactly is it so important?

The best waste is waste that is never produced, which means that, ideally, something should be done long before we think about producing waste, a product or part of a product that is useless and needs to be disposed of, to see how we can avoid creating it.
Because each future piece of waste is, further down the line, an unconsumed, obsolete or outdated consumer product, and it is therefore a raw material resource, which is often non-renewable, that is being depleted a little more and carbon dioxide generated for nothing.
Reduce our impact on the planet

Then once the waste is produced, the question of its processing poses another problem. Of course, sorting allows some of the waste generated to be recycled, and this is essential, but for a large part of this waste, the only options left are for it to be incinerated or buried in landfill sites, and this generates either greenhouse gases contributing to global warming, or possible soil and groundwater pollution.
As you can see, waste management is complex yet essential for all of us, because although we can't just stop living and consequently consuming products (food, clothing, other goods), we can try to make a commitment to gradually reduce our impact on the planet.
For Natura Brasil, reducing waste is an absolute necessity and a real commitment.
For several years now, faithful to its values of sustainable development, Natura Brasil has been developing environmentally responsible, well thought-out, recycled and recyclable packaging to avoid depleting our natural resources and to allow everyone to consume more responsibly.

Natura Brasil has been a fully carbon neutral company since 2007, systematically reducing greenhouse gas emissions at every stage in the life of its products and systematically offsetting the emissions that are essential to its operation.
Together we are stronger!

Of course, Natura Brasil supports any action taken by consumers or other companies aimed at further reducing waste.
This is why we are delighted to introduce you to another company that is strongly committed to reducing the production of waste in a practical way, particularly in families.
This dynamic and ethical company is also B Corporation certified, like Natura Brasil, and wants to show the world that economic, social and environmental development can coexist, for the benefit of us all.

Discover Squiz, reusable food pouches for healthy and environmentally responsible snacks on the go.
- Since 2014, more than 200 tons of waste have been avoided and therefore 38 million disposable food pouches... never thrown away.
- And at Squiz, generosity goes hand in hand with ethics, since every year 2% of the company's turnover is donated to an association, this year Le Rire Médecin.